Antidote Couples & Marriage Retreat
This retreat delves into the origins of life and marital dysfunction, tracing it back to the misfortune in Eden. Those who grew up in dysfunctional families may inadvertently perpetuate similar dynamics in their adult lives, particularly within their marriages, as well as in other environments such as church, work, or ministry teams. Through this seminar, attendees will confront essential needs in their lives and be guided towards fostering healthy social, emotional, and marital well-being.
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There are five sessions in this seminar with each addressing specific areas of our relationship and marital life.
Session 1: Addressing Love Hunger, Essential for a Thriving Life & Relationship
The reverberations of Adam and Eve's fall in Genesis 3 continue to echo through generations. Their response to sin—hiding and blaming—instilled a sense of shame and a distorted self-perception. This phenomenon, known as a "Bad Self-Image" in psychological terms, drives individuals to seek validation externally, relying on achievements rather than embracing their intrinsic value.
What we'll learn
In this session, we're going to talk about how the consequences of the Fall affect the way people get stuck in harmful cycles which we call the "Abuse Cycle." We'll figure out how these cycles make people act in certain ways by looking at the roles they feel like they have to play. It's all about understanding why we do what we do.

In 2107, the Surgeon General declared that America was experiencing an epidemic of loneliness. The No.1 cause of this is unhappiness in marriage!
What are the guiding principles that govern your marriage?
Many cultural norms don't sync up with what's written in the Bible, but instead, showcase a society that's drifted away from it. Cultural roles are frequently not the result of Scriptural truth. Rather they are a reflection of a fallen society.
Session 2
Exploring Marriage Roles
Beyond grasping the dynamics of the Abuse Cycle, we delve into its impact on various facets of life, including work, marriage, and relationships. While Paul's Ephesians predominantly underscores God's orchestration of the Church's formation, its fifth chapter delves into a pivotal passage highlighting how family dynamics mirror the Church's foundation. This passage also underscores the repercussions for the Church when these familial principles are neglected.
What we'll learn
This session will help you understand the fundamental roles husband and wife play in their marriage. We'll explain the difference between real, unconditional love (agape love) and common misunderstandings about how love works in marriage. Also, we'll talk about how cultural expectations can sometimes affect the way we handle the issue of submission and how we can navigate these challenges.
Session 3
Understanding Women's Needs in Marriage
(What Wives Wish Their Husbands Knew About Women)
Building upon the foundational insights gained in the previous session, participants learn to shift their focus from self-centeredness to other-centeredness, a crucial step in mitigating marital discord. Recognizing God's unique design in creating men and women, it's imperative to recognize that while men are designed for work, women are meant to complement and enrich a man's life (Genesis 2:15 and 2:18). Yet, a common misconception arises when a man assumes his wife's fulfillment stems solely from her career or duties.
What we'll learn
This session illuminates the unique needs of women and offers guidance on how men can effectively meet them. Additionally, it addresses the prevalent issue of depression among women and explores ways husbands can provide support to alleviate or overcome it.
Session 4
Understanding Men's Needs in Marriage
(What Husbands Wish Their Wives Knew About Men)
As highlighted in the preceding session, both the man and woman in marriage have different needs by virtue of their roles in creation, biology, and physiology. As the needs of a wife are different, so are those of the husband.
What we'll learn
This session will outline 7 crucial needs of men and provide insights on how wives can effectively address them.
Session 5
Cultivating Intimacy In Marriage
With a comprehensive grasp of each other's needs, we're equipped to address one of the leading causes of marital discord: sexual dysfunction. In 1 Corinthians 7:1-7, Paul stresses the importance of a fulfilling sexual relationship within marriage as a remedy to immorality's allure.
This session guides couples in fostering healthy sexual intimacy, emphasizing the prioritization of a partner's satisfaction over personal gratification, thus fortifying the marital bond.